Purpose of life

Imagine there’s an amoeba made up of organic matter and we call it matter A. Now there’s a piece of organic matter B which turn out to be food for amoeba A. Our amoeba is now AB amoeba constituting both matter A and B.
So let’s assume this amoeba happens to split in such a way that all the original A matter goes into child 1 exactly and the organic matter B goes into child 2.


So why did the A amoeba go through the trouble of locating, consuming another food and then bothering to split and reproduce?
They say it’s all about self-preservation but Point 1) The matter A has not increased the chance of preserving itself by becoming something more. So it’s not self-preservation of matter that counts
2) If the argument is that a little genetic coding is passed onto the matter B, and so it is about preserving one’s genetic code.If this was the case any parent would only want an exact replica of him/her as a child and not in anyway an improvement in physical or intellectual features/abilities. This also mean they would start loving someone else’s child more than their own child if the other child happens to be more similar to them in features. So it’s not self-preservation of genetic code either.
At a level below nihilism and at a level above self-preservation, the purpose of life is to make an impact. According to either string theory or ether theory, the different particles constituting matter are just different manifestations of force is different dimensions( in an underlying medium). The purpose of a force is to cause a push or a pull – just to displace something in space and time -to make an impact.
Just like how the purpose of force is to make an impact, the purpose of force trapped in a life form is also to make an impact. and this is not just at the physical level, but it drives into an emotional and intellectual level with higher forms. It’s the labourers who build bridges and structures, but its the design of the engineer and the decision of a CEO but ultimately the demand created by consumers that lead to the creation of structures and activities in our cities. Also – a force manifested in the form of a higher order form such as a living human is more impactful than something thats non-living and in a basic form. For example – Force is in either static state (like static wave) – where it only impacts/affects a smaller region is space-time or it can be a travelling form where it displaces/disturbs several things along the way and cover a large region. The travelling force/wave is more impactful compared to the static one. Now imagine a piece of energy(the force constituting it) in the form light or other physical force travels for a short while and then its absorbed by another particle and remains static in the particle for an extended period until the other particle is disturbed/broken up. But if the same light is consumed by a leaf and enhances the energy of a living being and remains in it in the form of a living thing – it gets to be a bit more impactful for a bit more time frame as the living thing can do so much during its life time. Whe death comes to the living thing, the photon with it goes back to a non-living particle state where it doesnt do much impact and remains static.If you carefully think about it being a higher order living thing increases impact potential than for sometime till eventually all forms of force go to being in a static state for a long time. Most of the force in this universe remains in a static/relatively less impactful state( dark matter/energy or some static waves or particles thats confined to a limited area in space). Im not saying that the force/energy in the form of a EM radiation is less impactful than the energy making up the particles of a living human, Im saying that the EM wave will soon go to a static state by getting absorbed by something else, while the force/energy within a human gets to remain a human for sometime and then go on to become a EM wave when they burn the corpse and thus be more impactful over time and area.
The below video also says the same thing where I say Impact – they say entropy
We derive pleasure out of making an impact – either driving fast cars or emotionally bonding with fellow humans or whatever.
One of the biggest impact anyone can do is bring a life into this world. That’s why male-female interactions – love/relationship – etc are important.

But only from one perspective making an impact counts. But from a nihilist perspective or buddhist oreven bhagawat gita only the happiness matters. Im not buddhist or hindu, For me Logic leads to nihilsm after all the existential thinking one can do. So people who are the happiest(ccolest) are the most superior people, not necessarily the ones who are high in pleasure potential(sunny leone) or impact potential ( president of USA). One can be happy for no reason at all. You just have to be happy all the time to be the best person on earth ( simple conceptually but practically difficult), you dont have to seek or achieve anything. All the people who are seeking and achieving, dont even know what its all about. They think being fashonable, heathy, popular or even making a social impact is what matters. These IMO are only minor stuff. At the level of making an impact -The destiny of mankind would be to create proper Artifical General Intelligence. 99.99999% dont know this truth. Elon Musk, Larry page, hawkings are all scared of AI. Apes have already fulfilled their destiny by creating humans, not all apes contributed to it but just some. But humans are scared of their destiny. Instead of creating another child ( which every other human on this planet can do) the one who creates Artifical Inteligence(proper) are the ones who ate the fore-runners among humans in evolution. Our physical form doesnt matter (amoeba or fish or mammal or ape or human) we need to create / evolve into forms with more impact potential. Humans cant conquer space, but Machines can. Hence machines can be a lot more impactfl than carbon based life forms. Its not enough if you just bear a kid hoping that your kid would make an impact. If you dont understand the destiny of humans and dont teach it to your kid – and if your kid  learns it/gets the idea from someone else – they are the ones who have passed on this information and if the kid does something to advance AI, it is attributed to the one who implanted that idea in the kid, and the credit doesnt go to the parents who are just responsible for his physique/nature and not the idea.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tx7TJMatdD4 Why people are happy to have been there and done that? Experiences give out many things that make people happy about it. Whether it gives them pure pleasure, or a sense of accomplishment or some memories of it which makes them relive that pleasure in their mind, or some experiences just give you a lot of knowledge and improves yourself. But lets try to figure out why exactly these things are good.

Fundamental purpose of Life :When a single celled amoeba consumes a piece of organic material around, and gets bigger in size and then reproduces/splits into two – the end result of the whole process a piece of organic thing being converted into the form of an amoeba. So the life force present in the original amoeba, has impacted surrounding matter. I mean you could argue that amoeba splits for reproduction and so that as 2 units,, it has more chances of survival/self preservation. But think about this scenario where an amoeba with X amount of plasma(at this point call it X amoeba) consumes a piece of organic material with Y amount of plasma and becomes XY amoeba. And now the amoeba divides into 2, and hypotetically the original X stays one 1 offspring and the original Y forms the other offspring. So what exactly has the original XAmoeba self-preserved(self preservation being the reason for reproduction/life)? It has not preserved the X plasma or increased the chance of Xplasma. The set of genes developed in Yamoeba is also developed from the protein/plasma that originally belongs to the organic material Y, so only the genetic code is preserved. So is only purpose of animals to preserve genetic code? iff thats the case you would fuck your sister instead of fucking someone from a different exotic ethnicity. Also if you are a skinny dark guy with a longer nose, you would also wish your child be a skinny dark guy with long nose and not like hrithik or salman or watever. And organisms would never go for sexual reproduction in the first place which introduces diversity. Orgnisms are neither looking to self-preserve their original matter that makes up or their genetic code – via all the things they do. I mean the purpose of reproduction in a specific context is self preservation, but in a larger context living things are not there to just self preserve. They are there to make an impact on surrounding matter. here the AmoebaX has made an impact on organic-matterY and converted that into and AmoebaY of a different shape and orientation/fucntionality. So thats the only objective behind every life/matter and the force that makes them..to make an impact someway on the medium around(it wud be a good thing to refer to my ‘The medium’ post). The only bad thing for a force is not make its impact on anything…or do something that ultimately leads to ceasing of its existence as an organism/ unit and its impact on anything . When organic/living things turn to dust,the stationary forces within the matter of dust doesnt get to make a lot of impact on surrounding objects, only living things do in comparison. Thus the existence of force as an alive organism is better than being trapped in a dead/lifeless object – i mean you gotta imagine this from the level of a basic force not from the point of an advanced being. Why we seek what we seek: The motivations behind people wanting to acquire things, climb up the social ladder and wanting to be with hot/rich/powerful people is that when you are with them, you have both made an impact on them. Thats why its good. All those people at the top – rich,powerful,hot are all the ones that are making more of an impact in this world. people with power,money,creativity,kindness ..,whether you can accept and imagine it or not, will be able to make more of an impact. The same goes to hot people. Coz hot people somehow make heads turn, tend to get to preferred and get to the top and influence the other impactful people. Maybe you can appreciate someone who can feed a 100 poor for a day or a month, but the CEO of a large corp defintley makes a bigger impact in this world overall by influencing many people as possible. And thats why you are trying to maximise your impact by trying to being with those at the top and impacting them who inturn impact alot of others.With a hot partner , you think you can have a hot kid – your creation who will be more impactful. So I guess now you’ll be able to understand the totality of wanting to be with hot/successful/impactful people. Now the human/animal brain is not perfect..We are supposed to feel pleasure for the things that increases our survival and the above objective and feel pain for things that decreases our objective. However, take the case of drug addicts or people who eat too much food..or just the act of jacking off, people feel pleasure doing these but it does not necessarily mean that they have made a big impact or positively contributed to their objective through that particular act. The same pleasure is felt by someone who actually impregnates a partner,brings a kid into this world and makes a big impact that way, compared to someone who is just doing it wearing a condom or just wacking off to porno.Also consider leaders like Gandhi or MLK or any president important person, men of such calibre/ideals would have probably worried about a lot of things throughout their life to become what they are and eventually make an impact and only for that few years feel the pleasure from their accomplishment.  So more pleasurable existence doesnt mean a more impactful existence. Although good looking people (or rather people higher in component 1b below) will make heads turn and have more chance of influencing people, really intelligent people have a chance of affecting a lot of people/lives in a big way by means of inventing something or becoming a leader/ public intellectual etc – and thus people with higher score in component 1c has a higher chance of making a really big impact on the world. In order to make an impact , it doesnt mean one has to mingle and keep socialising all the time with all the people. People also are selective in choosing their friends and circle coz they dont wanna waste their effort on someone who is easily impressed – coz with those people the impact you made on them will be short lived. Or if some one was to hang out with dumb or classless people, what they are and their confidence level decreases and has a negative impact on themselves. So people do exercise discretion, but sub-consciously its all about maximising your objective function – which is to make an impact. Who has had the better life? and who should be more happy? So whose more awesome brad pitt type or eisnstein type or a world record setting mountaineer type? The factors by which you can evalutate yourself against other people follows…. I had already talked about(in other blogs) about why experiences pertaining to sex are more exciting than experiences pertaining to intellectual and other kinda achievements. say for eg a feat like climbing mt everest…its a hard one and not everyone can do it. But that doesnt make you better than many others becoz you dont really get to impact/influence other lives and get something out of it – to eventually make yours better and contribute to your agenda for survival in some way.  For example if you are able to impress a hot girls, it means you have the skills to influence/have influenced people to serve your agenda of procreating with healthy,good looking children. If you are the president, you have influence over many people, but that influence is not gonna have a high gradient of direct consequences towards your personal survival. I mean being a president/PM is still much greater accomplishment becoz although you touch lives with a smaller gradient, you are touching millions of lives so it multiplies and thats a greater accomplishment than scoring just a hot chick. the same goes with being a scientist and creating technology that touches lives. But lets now try and classify this properly 1) inherent potential – The mountaineer has worked hard trained hard put in a lot of work to build up this skill level. But this mountain climbing skill doesnt necessarily help him impact/influence people/society at large compared to a guy who devlops a little swag/class and impresses a lot of people. There are 3 aspects to ones Inherent potential ( who is greater/better than who) a) Pure potential level:  Based on the sheer effort (including all kinds of efforts taken historcally over generations , from the perspective of groups) required to achieve this. I mean Its not just you doing stuff to be physically/mentally healthy/fit in this lifetime, but also how the efforts of your ancestors got transferred to you – adds up by a gradient to the inherent potential stored up in you. The luck factor also comes into play as people from coldr/mountainous regions tend to have nicer physical features rather than a group of people who are  cooked in the sun for thousands of years A world record mountaineer/skill :  70(his personal effort 60 and 10 fro historic) brad pitt/appearance : 90 ( considering the fact that looks,class,confidence,background, the reputation of a group as a whole, etc takes generations to build up..and this also from a group perspective and not just a personal thing)( personal effort/luck 20 and 60 historic luck/effort) Einstein/intellect : 100 ( personal effort 80 and 20 historic) President/significance : 90 (personal effort 75 and historic 15) So the reason why Einstein’s potential is higher, or Intelligence being a higher potential skill according to me is as follows. Consider the amount of  evolutionary effort needed to get from a primitive simean to a einstein’s level of intellect , consider the amount of evolution required for the physical evolution between an ape and the physicality of a modern man like brad pitt. Somehow the intellectual evolution seems to be a greater effort/change. Also there is also an intellectual aspect for beauty/attraction and somehow the more intellectual races look more beautiful as well. Although the nerds lose their appeal because of their boring thought process, I believe that a more intelligent specimen can be more engaging/stimulating, if they channel their thought process in being more engaging and stimulating in a swaggy/attractive way. But intellect, depends more on the training an individual gets in his life time while also depending a bit on a healthy brain structure passed on genetically. Whereas, physical looks depend mostly on genetics and only a smaller extend on a personal effort…i mean if ur born with a not so attractive face, its kinda really hard becoming attractive, but a dumb guy can be educated. If you take the average white child, it it easy to make it into a personality/body like brad pitt rather than the mind of Einstein, same goes with an Indian child. But if you take an african child, it is easier to make it into a einsteins brain rather than the physicality of Brad pitt. This is because the physical changes  like skin color is based a lot on time and genetics. people  living in cooler climatic regions are lucky to have been living there for thousands of years where the sun doesnt damage and make you skin/muscles thick,saggy,with less collagen, not so fleshy etc , and with unnaturally high levels of melanin which is gonna reduce vitamin D synthesis, youth hormone synthesis and doesnt help with a proper bone structure and all that.   Its just that physical appearence(and the efforts taken in this) is passed on more from generations but the intellectual effort is not so much passed on, genetically.But despite this, the potential(luck/effort) that goes into physical appearence is lesser than the effort/potential that goes into becoming intelligent. I guess everyone has different levels in the different components. Einsteing probably scored 25 points from his looks component and 75 from intelligence. brad pitt may be had 40 points from his intelligence and 50 from his physicality, that makes his overall potential 90. Its just that different components have different gradients of passability and acquirability of the efforts/potential thats stored in that component. The above was just how much effort goes into getting a potential. The below is  how these potentials are gonna be useful. b) Ability to seek pleasure out of the skill: potential to get as many pleasurable moments in the future with their skills(and passon for their offsprings) Mountaineer : 30 Scientist : 40 President: 60 Brad pitt : 100 c) ability to influence and make an impact(in future) Mountaineer : 10 Einstein/Technology people : 100 President : 90 Brad pitt : 50 2a) Experienced positive moments – It is the actual positive moments one experiences. generally guys with the swag factor tend to have more positive moments in life. In the above factor 1b we say brad pitt has more chances of having a pleasurable life, but what if he is locked up somewhere? and it doesnt happen 2b) Future positive moments (projected through your fitness for Life) – This takes into combination all of a persons’ skill level/inherent potential multiplied by a factor of pleasure gradient. When one sees another person, we also think about how well this guys is gonna live it up or not in the future. its the same as Factor 1b 3a) Actual Impact made : the impact made by the life force that makes up your cells, on the other living/non-living things in this world and shapes future events and things. This is the ultimate purpose of the life force within you . I mean the higher scores in 2a, probably higher here as well but not always the case like explained above. even an average guy can get to save the lives of a lot of people and be impactful and a hero/villain in this world. 3b) Projected Impact Made : Its the same as 1c So some people might be very skillfull/talented. Some people might have a very pleasurable/positive life. But the main purpose of life is to be an impactful person. Just because you see  someone surrounded with good looking people and looks like he is having a pleasurable life, it doesnt mean that the person has had the better life. Maximising the impact rather than pleasure is the ultimate objective of life. pleasure is just a proxy objective.  Me personally and obviously would categorise myself as the intellectual type rather than from a attractive/fun background/circle. But thats okay..i get around 10-15 visitors to my blog a day, 1 or 2 i guess read em and ponder over what i write seriously. Atleast once a week people search ‘jayanpsk blog’ and things like that to come back and read abt various things i say here and my youtube videos(thousands of view in a week) and this is pretty good for me considering the profound nature of subjects i deal with(though not many people would concede any appreciable abstraction). So I consider myself making more of an impact that those  english speaking-wannabe coconuts and supposedly living it up , hi-fi crowd from bangalore or bombay or delhi or wherever.  In my other blogs I have dealt with how South Indians/Tamils are Intelligent but unlucky wrt looks. They do not have neotenous physical features and consequently their culture has evolved into some thing less neotenous/fun and more mature/conservtive and lacking playful/aggressive qualities. But to re-iterate, Intelligence can actually lead to the group being more engaging/stimulating and so if we are able to live in cooler/better climatic regions for sometime with liberal/neotenous lifestyle, we too can develop the neotenous physical/intellectual features. On Average South Indians have more inherent potential (1a factor) even and with the looks factor and 1c. Anxiety makes people ugly and relaxed people are good looking. Read my blog https://jayanpsk.wordpress.com/2013/07/31/north-indians-vs-south-indians-comparitive-classification-of-aspects-of-intelligence/ on why tamils are the most intelligent group, be proud of yourself and relax So what gives us happiness, peace of mind is when we are able to feel happy about our potential or pleasures we enjoy or the impact that we make. Although i have told you that impact is the ultimate purpose of an organisms life, it is also a matter of luck and because it is a matter of luck, so is the pleasure you enjoy despite your potential or even the potential you get to acquire has an element of luck/fate. And because all 3 – skill,pleasure and impact of a person depends on luck( as well as the effort you put in to acquire all 3 – majorly), you shouldnt stress/ be anxious about acquiring these 3. So you shouldnt be too worried or jealous of someone who scores better than you in an aspect you care about too much because although someone else may have put in a lot more effort, luck also comes into play. Its like playing a poker game – its 70 % about skill, but typically someone who as played poker in casinos for a period of 2 years – will have a skill level greater than 45%(out of the 70%). So even if you are the most skillful poker player with 70%, if on this day you have 0% luck and the other person has full (remaining 30%) luck you are gonna lose to him. So life is not like chess where if someone beats you- he is better for good, its like poker, you shouldnt feel too jealous of someone who has more in each of the components. Think about that and reduce the anxiety, pressure to perform/succeed and you life will be zen. I mean all of us are already like that – i mean no one is jealous of obama or modi because they are making more of an impact, but we are jealous of people whom we know of and meet and who we think is interfering in our space. if you are not the president or anything, the biggest impact you can make is bring another living thing in this world and any impact that child(including having children of its own) is partially credited to you. Thats why people care so much about lineage. I mean you are not the only one making an impact on your kids life, everyone from teacher, relation all make an impact. But you are the one with the biggest impact. And the significance of your impact reduces down the generations – like son > grandson> great grandson. But your impact per se stops when you die or when the inheritance/memories you give your son/grandsons depletes.I mean apart your offsprings, you have also made ur impact on other people who are gonna have ofsprings as well, so we cant really argue that everything that any of their offspring s does in the future is attributed to you – and with that argument our ancestor apes would have made more of an impact than us when end of homo sapiens come – simply by virtue of being our ancestors and taking credit for things we have done. So we just ave to consider in your lifetime alone – if you have acquired enough wealth, power, genetic positive traits that you are gonna pass on and the offsprings that you have. A questions comes here, would it make sense to bring kids into this world BUT give your money to other kids who have more of a chance of doing something big with your money? in some cases people do – hand over their legacy/institutions to someone who is not their offspring(like we ‘ve seen in some kung fu movies), But your kid is significantly more of your part/creation/impact than someone else’s kid and hence giving your wealth to your kid amplifies your own part/creation/impact. Dont let the foreign media brainwashing you into believing all you need to do is have a fun life and having kids is old fashioned thinking. If you dont have kids, you would have missed out on making a big impact…coz its gonna go on for as long as they keep having kids. Hopefully i have kids someday. But like i said, its not all over for people without kids. They would have made an impact of little significance in other peoples lifes who are gonna have kids and so on, and in this generation they can make an effort to touch and impact many peoples lives Intelligence, just like the genetic code/information is also a form of impact – not with physical dimensions but which can have consequnce on physical things. So if technology was to evolve and become more sophisticated and machines start to incorporate life into them, even that is an acceptable thing process where a force can manifest itself and become something that will make an impact. So there is nothing unnatural/ungodly about androids and thinking robots and AI – everything is a manifestation of force aimed at making an impact. So we all need to impact stuff, but for what impacts do you claim responsibility in your everyday life? i mean a boss tells a mason to construct a bridge, pays him, supervises/instructs him. So who gets the credit for the impact of ‘making the bridge’ . Or it could be a business analyst asking a developer to come up with piece of code that performs some function. Or think of it this way, you drive a car – you are making a large/impressive piece of stuff move – and thats a pretty cool impact that you are making, and thats why it feels pretty cool to drive a cool car. But you are not actually putting the physical effort yourself in making the car move, engine and petrol does. yours is mostly an intellectual effort. If its the intellectual effort that matters, is everything built/developed always attributed to the bosses and not the workers? well, yeah. But, the whole impact of things developed is not just attributed to the guy who asked for it to be done, but also the guy who has applied his own thinking in creating that. for example the developer used his knowledge of coding/logic to create the program, that particular way. So even he can claim a lil bit of credit for the impact that is the program. The work of a blue collared guy has less of his thoughts but it he is a skilled craftsmen making his own desings, he claims a lot of credit for it. If he is just a brick layer, still a bit of his decsicion/time management etc comes into picture in making that wall or whatever. So this is how for every day work stuff – the credit for the impact is shared by both the boss and the worker – its mostly got to do with what sort of intellectual effort each puts in and it is not at all about the physical work. But this does not mean that the workers are being used. they get currency in return with which they can buy and make impact on things and claim the credit fully. So with regards to what we should be focusing on – to make an impact , to develop skills or to have pleasure. I know i mentioned before that deriving worldy pleasures out of things like socialising, romance , snubbing someone, being wicked etc are only a proxy for impact right. But for us as humans – only thing that matters is happiness and sadness. I mean if yo are dumb, skillless and make no impact at all there will be bad consequences . like you might not make enough money, things needed  and this could affect your offsprings. If many individuals among your community/shared are dumb, the associated people are gonna feel bad. I mean it is not such a great thing to forget about your community, lineage,related groups etc and being very individualistic. If you are individualistic, you will only get pleasure about your own accomplishments and thats not much. But if you are a proud member of a community you will also be able to find pleasure/happiness with the accomplishments of your community. Thats why its better to be patriotic, nationalistic or whatever, however you might also end up thinking about more issues. But it certainly is better than being individualistic. So people often say how the innocent ones are ore happy, light headed ones are more happy etc. I say they will eventually pay for not putting in the effort. But coming back to the main point that is it happiness or impact? it is happiness coz thats the only thing that matters at a human level. We try to make an impact so that we feel happy at the end of the day. This Doesnt mean having pleasure is more important than having skills or making an impact. Ofcourse pleasure directly adds to happiness moments, but People with High skills and people who have made an impact need to Reflect on their skills, impact – whether at times of comparison or in just normal moments and derive happiness and feel good moments from those.

To give another example of why Reflection is important. Like I said the purpose of the life-force is to make an impact, but from the level of Human Mind, what matters is having peace of mind and happiness/feel good. Like from a higher level of why universe/the whole existence came into existence and above that, none of this impact  matters https://jayanpsk.wordpress.com/2013/08/15/fundamental-force-particles/ if you wanna explore more on that topic. But for us at the level of human societies and everyday life thinking – what matters is having a positive mind frame. Consider Ascetics / Monks who given upworldly things and seek only peace of mind – These guys are not making much impact at all. Not making money or babies  making any sort of impact on society via business or any job etc. They Just want peace of mind and dont care about the impact they make.  If they can have a peace of mind, we the people who are actually making an impact and a significant difference by doing the above things need to have happiness(on top of peace of mind) in knowing that we have done more. So in order for you to have more positive moments in your mind, you have to constantly think about how you are a better person than a ascetic who does nothing. I mean people need to reflect on their achievements and realise that if someone who does nothing can have peace of mind, we should have peace of mind and more(which is the pleasure/happiness from making an impact). So dont be too anxious about things, but reflect more on your accomplishments. Only comparing yourself against others puts you in a negative frame of mind and you dont need that coz from a human level , even if you have/done nothing you should be able to have a peace of mind.

It is tough in real life to have a zen state of mind all the time as there are a lot of expectations, comparisons to be made. So in real life you might wanna improve yourself on those 3 components (inherent potential, pleasure and Impact) to get more feel good moments. But also know that by realising a higher philosphy such as the content of this blog 😉 which not many people would have realised/pondered you would be knowing important stuff thats gonna put you in a positive frame of mind that the others may not have despite being rich/popular etc. The realisation that you have to have is that there is no negative. The ascetic who makes no impact has a calm mind. Anyone else who is doing anything else and making an impact is definelty in the positive compared to the ascetic, and hence his frame of mind should also be positive. no point comparing yourself with a higher achiever and going into a negative mind set – coz the achievements of the high achiever doesnt matter ultimately. The Brain just realises extra pleasure/positivity when someone makes an impact. So Its okay if you have to take orders from an asshole 40 hours a week and work to make his vision/impact come about. It doesnt matter ultimately. But you can just reflect on what you have realised and  be in a better frame of mind than people who havent introspected. But be prepared for the inevitable times when life/people may put you down in everyday reality by scoring well in those 3 components.

Actually this realisation can only keep you happy for a small time. Let me break down some of the things that could bother me / make me feel good at this point.

10 pts – philosophical reflection – the things I explained above. dont think people can feel depressed when they think about stuff thats not abt them. So this is only positive.

Comparison with others – (+/-) 60 points

(+/-)20 pts – Comparison of inherent potential , (+/-)20 pts – Comparison of Impact, (+/-) 20 pts – comparison of Pleasure experienced in real life situations ( both past and thinking abt future)

The above is both individually and group wise. Jay -z might score full 20 points wrt pleasure but when he thinks about african slave history he is gonna feel depressed. Different people might earn score more pts in each component than 20 or they can be less. 20 is pts simply the amount that I think about regrading this particular component. Its not exactly amount of time, but just amount of thought.that will have an impact on mood – either feeling good o bad abt it. I can feel good about indian history or be happy about my knowledge and stuff and score high in those components, but when I imagine myself in a club – how pathetic i would be, i score negative in that component ( also applicable for many desi fobs).

Thinking about real world stuff (+/-) 30 pts – thinking abt career, relationships , friends, family, local stuff, everyday stuff etc.

But Like I said the above is just a very rough score attributed to various aspects and depending on ones age, life situations etc these points could vary. The abve score was just to give a sense of currently what stuff i think about.

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